Therapy is a broad term used for talking therapies that includes counselling, psychotherapy, psychology and hypnotherapy. On Welldoing , whenever we refer to therapy we are talking about all of these disciplines.

We have a combination of these types of therapists on our Find a Therapist directory who are all qualified, experienced and able to deal with the problems you may be facing. And if you complete our questionnaire we will match you to the therapists who best suit your needs based on their particular areas of experience and expertise, as well as their proximity to where you are based. So unless you want to, you don't need to worry too much about understanding the ins and outs of all the different types of therapy when making a decision about who to see.

However, if you would like to know a little more about each of these individual therapies, the following pages provide simple explanations for each.

What is counselling?

What is psychotherapy?

What is psychology?

What is hypnotherapy?